Pub. 1 2020 Directory


Greetings from AIA Central Idaho

Wyoming Architecture magazine icon

This story appears in the
Idaho Architecture Pub 1 2020 Directory

At AIA Central Idaho, we have been in a growth mode right up till COVID-19 hit. We moved our lunch venue to a larger place to hold all the members while hosting unique and relevant guest speakers each month. Our chapter has continued to be invigorated with excellent officers. We changed our bylaws, allowing the president and president-elect to serve a two-year term instead of only one-year terms to promote more leadership stability. We have engaged in meaningful ways with future architects by hosting monthly Emerging Professional Community (EPC) gatherings. We remain on a first-name basis with friends at the University of Idaho as we routinely interact with them through scholarships and guest lecturer sharing. Teater’s Knoll’s cover photo on this year’s AIA directory came from just such an exchange with our friends at the University. Last year we hosted seven well-attended building tours in the Ada/Canyon County area. AIA Central Idaho sponsored 19 CEUs in 2019. Our membership roster has grown to almost 200, not to mention our 35 Professional Affiliate Members taking on an increasing presence at our events. Our biannual surveys remain a key part of seeking a broader membership feedback loop to help keep us on track. Through our administrative assistant’s excellent efforts, Lynn Jeffers, we remain a healthy and vibrant group. And financially, we remain on firm footing thanks to you and the outstanding leadership that has gone before us.

AIA Central Idaho continues to fill an important role in our profession. We are glad to be a part of this relevant and essential organization. We hope you will continue to support our mission with your membership and participation!


Dave Davies, AIA Central Idaho President 2020-2022
Leah McMillan, AIA Central Idaho President-Elect
Ian Hoffman, AIA Central Idaho Secretary-Treasurer
Caitlin Kessler, AIA Associate Director

Honoring our AIA Central Idaho Past Presidents:
2018/19 Jared Schmidt
2017 Mark Heazle
2016 Sydnee Weersing
2015 Jeremy Jeffers
2014 John Day
2013 Wayne Thowless
2012 Jim Glancey
2011 Patty Norberg
2010 Ken Gallegos
2009 S. Kyle Hamilton
2008 Robert Hess
2007 Peter Rockwell
2006 Steve Turney
2005 Jim Otradosky
2004 Sherry McKibben
2003 Steve Christensen
2002 Billy Joe English
2001 Ted Isbell
2000 Mike Simmonds
1999 Jim Murray
1995/97 Stan Cole
1994 Mike Simmons
1993 Jan Frew