Pub. 3 2023 Directory

Idaho Architects Are Shaping the Future

This story appears in the
Idaho Architecture Pub 3 2023 Directory

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to share with you the third edition of AIA Idaho’s publication Idaho Architecture. We have come a long way and I would like to thank our contributors and advertisers and our publisher, The newsLINK Group, who make this publication engaging and relevant.

The profession of architecture has recently experienced a lot of growth and momentum, and it is one of the most highly demanded by society. Yet, the public still asks the question, “What do architects actually do?” There is no simple answer. Architects design buildings, but their job description involves responsibility for much more than just the design.

Idaho’s landscape is shaped not only by its natural wonders but also by the creative vision of architects, whose expertise enables them to shape the built environment in ways that promote sustainability, inclusivity, and beauty. As the outlook for Idaho predicts continuing growth, our architects are tasked with a vital role in the economy. Architects are a critical component in helping the local and federal government make community infrastructure investments and steering the decisions that benefit our economy. As the advocates for health, welfare, and safety of Idaho communities, architects bring even more value to every project they undertake, especially in developing sustainable and energy-efficient solutions.

While the global emphasis to reduce the carbon footprint is urgent, AIA Idaho members have the added professional responsibility to lead our state’s efforts in advancing building standards towards resiliency. Outdated building and energy codes hinder economic development and competitiveness with other states and will have longer-term impacts on our society. In today’s economy, buildings that do not meet modern codes are less desirable for residents and businesses, leading to decreased demand, lower property values, higher energy costs, and higher insurance rates. States that fail to update their building and energy codes will miss out on opportunities for investment, growth and funding to support major infrastructure improvements.

By mere mandate of the profession, architects contribute to the economic success of the state by building to higher standards, engaging in code advocacy, and contributing to Idaho’s economic growth and national and global standing. Some of the most important goals of our advocacy are to educate the members of the community and government about the value that regularly updated codes bring to our economy and that architects are the resource to improving our state’s economic well-being.

When new legislation is proposed, a design project comes along, or a new development in your area is planned, I encourage you to connect with an Idaho architect and rely on their expertise. Please use our directory as a resource by contacting an AIA Idaho member or an AIA Idaho Professional Affiliate.

Anna Foster